Julie Anne San Jose - I'll be there — Download , Free Download , I'll be there , I'll be there lyrics , I'll be there Mp3 , I'll be there Music Video , I'll be there Song , Julie Anne San Jose , Lyrics , Music , Music Video — Julie Anne San Jose Blog

Julie Anne San Jose - I'll be there

Julie Anne San Jose - I'll be there lyrics

First time I laid my eyes on someone like
I can’t forget the hour, that moment with
Then I have realized, love is growing
deep inside
I feel the beating of my heart

Coz’ every day, every night, I keep looking
at the
And I’ll pray that someday you will wake
up in my arms
And love will never end
We belong together, always and forever
Call my name and I’ll be there. . . . .

Spending my days and nights just
thinking of you
How you make me wanna smile with the
things that you do
When will I hear you say, love is coming
on your way
And that you start to feel the same
Coz’ every day, every night, I keep looking
at the
And I’ll pray that someday you will wake
up in my arms
And love will never end
We belong together, always and forever
Call my name and I’ll be there

Chorus 2:
Coz’ every day, every night, I keep looking
at the
And I’ll pray that someday you will wake
up in my arms
Coz’ every day, every night, I keep looking
at the
And I’ll pray that someday you will wake
up in my arms
And love will never end

We belong together, always and forever

Call my name and I’ll be there


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