Julie Anne San Jose - If Love’s A Crime — Free , Free Download , If Love’s A Crime , If Love’s A Crime Lyrics , If Love’s A Crime MP3 , If Love’s A Crime Music Video , If Love’s A Crime Songs , Julie Anne San Jose , Lyrics , Official — Julie Anne San Jose Blog

Julie Anne San Jose - If Love’s A Crime

Julie Anne San Jose - If Love’s A Crime

[Verse 1]
It cannot be, they told me
Our love is hard as another’s undertaking
This might be true, I say to you
But it’s there you are mistaken
Something as beautiful cannot be taken
Yesterdays pass swiftly
And tomorrows don’t come soon enough
Look into my eyes and hold me closely
For me to hear your whispers in the wind
There will come a day when our love’s no longer a crime
From that moment I’ll keep you ’til the end of time
[Verse 2]
These longing souls parched from my sweet sorrow
Gravity is pulling us together
And it’s fate that brings us down
Don’t let the flame burn out
How do people go on living like this
But loving you is as bad as a sin
Look into my eyes and hold me closely
For me to hear your whispers in the wind
There will come a day when our love’s no longer a crime
From that moment I’ll keep you ’til the end of time
Why must this be a battle
When serenity is what this feels
What a beautiful pain
To let you in and love you selflessly
Look into my eyes and hold me closely
For me to hear your whispers in the wind
Look into my eyes and hold me closely
For me to hear your whispers in the wind
There will come a day when our love’s no longer a crime
From that moment I’ll keep you ’til the end of time


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