Julie Anne San Jose - I Right Where You Belong — 2014 , Deeper , Deeper Album , I Right Where You Belong , I Right Where You Belong Lyrics , I Right Where You Belong MP3 , I Right Where You Belong Music Video , Julie Anne San Jose Songs — Julie Anne San Jose Blog

Julie Anne San Jose - I Right Where You Belong

Julie Anne San Jose - I Right Where You Belong

Wondrin' where you are tonight
Maybe you're that distant star
How I want you right here by my side

Now I see your face above
Could you take me where you are
Unafraid no matter what may come

Waiting for the hour of those many nights

When you wake up in the storm
Trees will all be standing tall
I come to you, you'll never be alone
When your hopes fall apart
Night is cold, day is dark
I give my heart, it's right where you belong
Right where you belong

And we'll meet across the sky
So together we will fly
You're so near to me, you'll never be afar
Wanting every hour of those many nights

When you wake up in the storm
Trees will all be standing tall
I come to you, you'll never be alone
When your hopes fall apart
Night is cold, day is dark
I give my heart, it's right where you belong
Right where you belong
Right where you belong

Loving every hour of those many nights

When you wake up in the storm
Trees will all be standing tall
I come to you, you'll never be alone
When your hopes fall apart
Night is cold, day is dark
I give my heart, it's right where you belong
Right where you belong
Right where you belong


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